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Species: Ikabru 

Sex: Female

Age: Young (she's around 50 years old but her species lives for hundreds of years what makes her like a teenager for them) 

Facts and story: ​

  Sagitta can see true intentions of others and perfectly recognizes emotions.  It's impossible to lie to her. 

She has the third eye but it's almost always hidden. When it's visible, everyone sees it differently, depending on what kind of person they are. If they did something they regret, they have a feeling that the eye judges them. When a good person looks into Sagi's eye, they see it as friendly and calming. 

 Sagitta doesn't know other Ikabrus. She lives alone and makes friends with others. She got lost when she was around 15, which is a very young age for her species. 

 Ikabrus create a perfect society, all of them are very emphatic and honest. Selfishness, psychopathy, lie and ignorance simply don't exist in their world because they feel others emotions like their own!  

That makes them treating others like they treat themselves. Ikabrus almost don't have arguments but if they have, it is very emotional. 

 This species creates perfect bounds between themselves, but making friends with any other creature is more than a hard work! 

It is hard for Ikabrus to cooperate with someone who isn't one of them, because they aren't used to not being fully understood. 

Sagitta is young but understands it perfectly. She is very interested in making bounds with others to understand how other intelligent species minds work! 

Ikabrus care about their environment, if something is broken they want to fix it as soon as possible. They want their surrounding to be perfectly comfortable and pretty. They always want to improve things to make others feel better, and at the same time they feel better too. 

These little feline-like creatures are a prey for Vis Essers, the species of energetic and emotional predators, who simply eat feelings and convert them to energy. Ikabrus are their perfect treat, because they absorb emotions of the whole group and feel them more than any other species. Because of that, Ikabrus are very rare and usually hide. They prefer to stay far away from places where Vis Essers can detect them. Sagitta is a brave cat, so she travels and doesn't care much about the danger. She is aware that finding her group is almost impossible, because of her and their nomadic lifestyle. 

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